For those that already know they have innate talent; simply find a teacher that likes this teaching method and make some wonderful sounds. The world needs it. There are teachers like this all over the world.
In person, I can evaluate for free what kind of teacher you should seek out. I start by showing you basic rhythms and go from there.
No matter what your drumming expertise, there is a way for you to participate immediately with great drummers at a drum circle. Whatever beat the circle is in, music continually returns to the 1. If it is a 4 beat rhythm, you need to count to 4 continuously in the same rhythm and tap the drum only when you say 1. The good drummers will consider your basic tapping as a metronome that they can play off of. The good drumming will inspire and be enjoyable for you. You will see your tapping is the root of the blossoming sounds around you. ..
So from doing this basic tapping, some people will be so inspired by the good drummers and want to take lessons of the style of music they choose. There are many percussion schools that start with the very basic rhythms .and go as slow as needed.
At the other extreme, there are people that have an immediate, incredible, easy time with advanced basic rhythms the first time they try or within a short time. So in learning major advanced beats , I have seen these types of people learn from an easier method than most percussion schools.
First the student chooses a recording of their favorite song or rhythm that they want to add percussion to. Only the student knows what turns them on. A teacher of that particular style immediately starts some major advanced rhythms. I've repeatedly seen that many students can follow the teacher really well within a short time. This happens because of three reasons. (1) the person's innate ability, (2) the chosen music obviously inspires (3) the teacher's brilliance inspires them.
The next day, only a few will remember what they did because their music isn't playing and the teacher is gone. With enough lessons, most of the others will remember . All the students advance to some degree